Emmabuntus, Ubuntu, Derivate, Linux, Open Source BackTrack, Linux, distributions, Ubuntu, derivate, securuty, forensic VirtualBox, Linux, Ubuntu, Raring Ringtail synaptic, Ubuntu, Linux, software packages jwplayer, multimedia, Linux, Ubuntu, flash Meshlab, graphic, software, Ubuntu, open source, Linux Synapse, Linux, Ubuntu, raring, Quantal Gimp, Ubuntu, Linux FreeMind, Linux, open source Linux, infographic, history
DebootStrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into a subdirectory of another, already installed system.

DebootStrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into a subdirectory of another, already installed system.

DebootStrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into a subdirectory of another, already installed system. It doesn'...
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eFTE is an advanced programmers editor with goals of being lightweight, yet totally configurable.

eFTE is an advanced programmers editor with goals of being lightweight, yet totally configurable.

eFTE is an advanced programmers editor with goals of being lightweight, yet totally configurable. support for user defined programming lang...
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Using Pathogen for your Vim config files: easy manipulation of 'runtimepath', 'path', 'tags', etc.

Using Pathogen for your Vim config files: easy manipulation of 'runtimepath', 'path', 'tags', etc.

If you are an avid Vim user, you know that the one thing that is lacking is a good plugin management system. With the default vim installa...
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