Gcipher is a simple "encryption" tool to work with common simple encryption algorithms (ROT13, Caesar, Vigenère, ...)
Gcipher does not provide any strong encryption and should not be used to encrypt any private data.Gcipher can run as either a GUI, a command-line application, or a network proxy.
Install gcipher in Ubuntu
sudo aptitude install gcipher
This will complete the installation
Using gcipher
gcipher Examples
Encrypt a file using the Gie cipher:
gcipher -c Gie inputfile outputfile
Decrypt STDIN and output to STDOUT using Rot13:
gcipher -C Rot -k 13
Listen on port 1027 and act as a proxy for port 1028 on gnu.org. Decrypt the data coming from gnu.org and encrypt data going to gnu.org using Vigenere with key linux:
gcipher -c Vigenere -k linux -p gnu.org 1028 1027
Available CIPHERS
Gie -- a simple cipher doable by hand; no key is required
Ceasar -- Julius Ceasar's code; no key is required
Rot -- linear rotation; the amount of the rotation is given by the key which must be a number in the range [0, 25]
Vigenere -- a version of ROT that uses a private key; the key must be made of lower-case letters
Available options
-c CIPHER -- encrypt using the given cipher
-C CIPHER -- decrypt using the given cipher
-k KEY -- set the key for the previous cipher
gcipher GUI
If you want open GUI go to Applications--->Accessories--->GCipher
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Gcipher does not provide any strong encryption and should not be used to encrypt any private data.Gcipher can run as either a GUI, a command-line application, or a network proxy.
Install gcipher in Ubuntu
sudo aptitude install gcipher
This will complete the installation
Using gcipher
gcipher Examples
Encrypt a file using the Gie cipher:
gcipher -c Gie inputfile outputfile
Decrypt STDIN and output to STDOUT using Rot13:
gcipher -C Rot -k 13
Listen on port 1027 and act as a proxy for port 1028 on gnu.org. Decrypt the data coming from gnu.org and encrypt data going to gnu.org using Vigenere with key linux:
gcipher -c Vigenere -k linux -p gnu.org 1028 1027
Available CIPHERS
Gie -- a simple cipher doable by hand; no key is required
Ceasar -- Julius Ceasar's code; no key is required
Rot -- linear rotation; the amount of the rotation is given by the key which must be a number in the range [0, 25]
Vigenere -- a version of ROT that uses a private key; the key must be made of lower-case letters
Available options
-c CIPHER -- encrypt using the given cipher
-C CIPHER -- decrypt using the given cipher
-k KEY -- set the key for the previous cipher
gcipher GUI
If you want open GUI go to Applications--->Accessories--->GCipher
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