1.- Matita interactive theorem prover (or proof assistant), a tutorial introduction: installation.
Matita is an experimental proof assistant under development at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bologna.
Matita is based on the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (a derivative of Calculus of Constructions), and is compatible, to some extent, with Coq. It is a reasonably small and simple application, whose architectural and software complexity is meant to be mastered by students, providing a tool particularly suited for testing innovative ideas and solutions. Matita adopts a tactic based editing mode; (XML-encoded) proof objects are produced for storage and exchange. At the same time, proofs are an integrated part of the formalism, allowing, via the Curry Howard isomorphism, a smooth interplay between specification and reasoning: proofs are objects of the language, and can be treated as normal data, naturally leading to a programming style akin to proof-carrying-code, where chunks of software come equipped with proofs of (some of) their properties.
2.- Jfractionlab educative program to practice fractions.
JFractionLab, is a calculator designed to help you solve your calculations when dealing with fractions. JFractionLab helps you to perform calculations with fractions and understand them. It gives you a graphical feedback, so that you can see what you are doing. The program is available in several languages, including German, French, Spanish, English and Italian.
3.- KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions.
KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions. Therefore 4 different exercises are offered.
- Arithmetic excercise - in this exercise you have to solve a given fraction task. You have to enter the numerator and the denominator. This is the main exercise.
- Comparison excercise - in this exercise you have to compare the size of 2 given fractions, using the symbols >, < or =.
- Conversion excercise - in this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction.
- Factorization excercise - in this exercise you have to factorize a given number into its prime factors.
- Percentage excercise - in this exercise you have to calculate percentages.
4.- HOL(Higher Order Logic), The Higher Order Logic Theorem Prover.
HOL (Higher Order Logic) denotes a family of interactive theorem proving systems sharing similar (higher-order) logics and implementation strategies. Systems in this family follow the LCF approach as they are implemented as a library in some programming language.
This library implements an abstract data type of proven theorems so that new objects of this type can only be created using the functions in the library which correspond to inference rules in higher-order logic. As long as these functions are correctly implemented, all theorems proven in the system must be valid. In this way, a large system can be built on top of a small trusted kernel.
5.- 30+ Latest HTML5 Templates for Web Design.
HTML5 is one of the most popular and useful markup languages for the web design industry.
It has introduced a lot of new features which made the development and designing process much easier for developers and designers.
If you are in a search for a new html5 template for your website, then this post is for you.
We have showcased fresh html5 website templates that you can use in your website to make it look more stunning..
Nevia – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO
Delicate – Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template – MORE INFO
6.- 5 Free Cloud-Based Tools For Thoughtful Web Developers and Designers. The title “webmaster” gets flung about roughly these days. Each blogger who has their personal personalblog.blogspot/wordpress/blogger/tumblr.com that they modernize once in a year ponders them to be a webmaster in the moveable terms presumable.
These webmasters don’t care about conversions; click through rates, rankings, backlinks, domain authority, mobile performance, or a host of other figures that aid to regulate the performance and strength of a website. If you are thoughtful about your site/bog and desire it to do well then cram to love these tools that aid to analyze and measure your websites/blogs performance as well as modifying it to apt your viewer’s requirements.
7.- Mpstat is a computer command-line software used in unix-type operating systems to report (on the screen) processor related statistics. The mpstat command writes to standard output activities for each avail- able processor, processor 0 being the first one. Global average activ- ities among all processors are also reported. The mpstat command can be used both on SMP and UP machines, but in the latter, only global average activities will be printed. The interval parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between each report. A value of 0 indicates that processors statistics are to be reported for the time since system startup (boot). The count param- eter can be specified in conjunction with the interval parameter if this one is not set to zero. The value of count determines the number of reports generated at interval seconds apart. If the interval parame- ter is specified without the count parameter, the mpstat command gener- ates reports continuously.
8.- The Ubuntu Edge is the next generation of personal computing: smartphone and desktop PC in one state-of-the-art device [Infographic].
9.- Tcpdump is a very powerful command line interface packet sniffer. Tcpdump is a a powerful command-line packet analyzer; and libpcap, a portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture.
In this page, you'll find the latest stable version of tcpdump and libpcap, as well as current development snapshots, a complete documentation, and information about how to report bugs or contribute patches.
6.- Introducing GNOME 3.8 The GNOME community is proud to present GNOME 3.8.
This new release features numerous new features as well as a host of smaller enhancements.
3.8 is the result of 6 months of work by the GNOME Project and contains 35936 contributions by approximately 960 people. We think that it is the best version of GNOME to date.
Here are some of the improvements that can be found in the new release.
10.- How to protect Personal Information from sneaky apps? [Infographics].
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