1.- Iron Knights Update – Latest Update Includes First Female Character For The Game.
Iron Knights, the free to play hack ‘n’ slash action RPG from publisher Actoz Soft has just received a brand new update. The game is known for its excellent 3D visuals and non-stop action as well as plethora of gameplay modes. To celebrate the latest update Actoz Soft has a couple of surprises in store for new as well as existing players. First up is a selection of perks and powers
2.- Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf Release Schedule.
"Wily Werewolf" is the code name for Ubuntu 15.10, scheduled for release October 2015. Freezes normally happen around 2100 UTC time of the given date. This permits those last changes to be incorporated into the nightly builds. Last minute changes need to happen before then unless otherwise indicated by release manager. Some background information and Q&A about the Ubuntu release process can be
3.- Installing Pinta on Ubuntu.
Pinta can be installed on Linux, Mac or Windows. Due to this, there are multiple ways to install Pinta based on what you are using as your operating system. This document will show you the multiple ways to install Pinta. Installing Pinta on Ubuntu. Install Pinta from default Ubuntu repository. Pinta is available in default Ubuntu repository. You can install it using: Click on
4.- Ubuntu Design: Media, Pictograms and Illustration.
Media. As much as possible, pictograms and other visual media, such as videos, illustrations and photography, should be sized so that they align with and fit within the grid columns. Pictograms. You can use pictograms to provide a visual summary of the content of a page or the general theme of a row. It’s important to use them sparingly, as their overuse can make a page look heavy and
5.- 20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About
Whether you like Ubuntu or not, it is here to stay. Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community in sparking interest in new Linux users and opening the doors to “ease-of-use” Linux. Their Influence has spread throughout the Linux community sparking new distributions.Here are 20 of them you should know about:MintLink: http://www.linuxmint.com/Linux Mint’s purpose is to produce an elegant,
6.- Getting started with Django: Introduction.
In the early days, Web developers wrote every page by hand. Updating a Web site meant editing HTML; a “redesign” involved redoing every single page, one at a time. As Web sites grew and became more ambitious, it quickly became obvious that that situation was tedious, time-consuming, and ultimately untenable. A group of enterprising hackers at NCSA (the National Center for Supercomputing
7.- KDE Plasma and Unity Gnome Comparison.
Disclaimers. This is not, by any means a comprehensive look at the differences between KDE Plasma and Unity Gnome, but it should give new users a small taste of the two desktop environments' different strengths and weaknesses and their philosophical approaches to usability. The focus is particularly on Ubuntu and Kubuntu, but aspects of this comparison can apply to other Linux
8.- How to install KDE on Ubuntu.
Ubuntu's default desktop environment is Gnome Unity. Sometimes people using Ubuntu want to try out KDE as well, though. Warning: having KDE and Gnome together means you'll have cluttered application menus full of KDE applications and Gnome applications. There may be other minor integration issues, but none should impact functionality, and you can find help for those on the Ubuntu Forums
9.- Anjuta is a versatile IDE for the GNOME desktop: Introduction.
Anjuta is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the GNOME desktop. It features a number of advanced programming facilities including project management, application wizards, interactive debugging, integrated Glade UI designer, integrated Devhelp API help, class generator, powerful source editor, symbols browsing, Git support, C/C++, Python and Vala support and more. Anjuta
10.- Fusion Inventory User Guide: The Big Picture.
FusionInventory acts like a gateway and collect information sent by the agents. It will create or update the information in GLPI it minimal effort from the administrator. For now, these class of devices are supported: Computers Network devices Printers Virtual machines Android phone Virtual machines inventory. FusionInventory supports different virtualization mechanisms. VMware
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