It is available for Linux, Mac OS X and other systems. Binaries compiled for Microsoft Windows version are distributed as crippleware with a restricted number of activities; it is possible to access all the activities in Windows for a fee.
GCompris has more than 100 activities related to:
* Computer discovery: keyboard, mouse, different mouse gestures
* Algebra: table memory, enumeration, double entry table, mirror images
* Science: the canal lock, the water cycle, the submarine, electric simulations
* Geography: place the country on the map
* Games: chess, memory, connect 4, oware, sudoku
* Reading: reading practice
* Other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing, cartoon making
Development history
The first version of the game was made in 2000 by Bruno Coudoin, a French software engineer. Since the first release it was distributed freely on the Internet and was protected by the GNU General Public License. The motivation behind the development was to provide native educational application for Linux. Since then, the software has seen continuous improvements, in term of graphical and number of activities, thanks to the help of many developers and graphic artists joining the project over the years.
The name GCompris comes from the French "J'ai compris", which is French for "I have understood".
If you want to add new boards, download and run GCompris, it comes with a full documentationPython. GCcompris is based on the widget Canvas from Gnome). Have a look also at the API of the gnomecanvas. that describes the GCompris internal and a step by step instruction on how to add boards. To give an idea of the amount of work, a board is usually set in a single file of about 500 lines of C code or
Slide presentation of the GCompris architecture The last 4 slides give a good architecture overwiew. Full presentation in Openoffice.org format
Full presentation exported in HTML .
Developers documentation for activities in python: Python wrapper for GCompris (by Olivier Samyn)
Python Reference
Python Tutorial
SVN allows you to access the latest source code
GCompris code is available from the GNOME Subversion repository.
From the Gnome web site:
Many people who are interested in working with GNOME development find their first hurdle is figuring out how to use Subversion. This document will be a quick tutorial.
Subversion is a powerful method of allowing many developers work on the same source code. This is possible because each developer checks out a copy of the current version of the source code. Then they each independently work on their personal copy of the sources. When they have made changes, they commit them back to the Subversion repository. The Subversion server takes care of things like trying to merge their changes with those of others. When that doesn’t work, the developer is notified and they do a hand merge of the conflicts.
To get the newest GCompris source from Subversion, you need to have it installed.
The first command you need is: svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gcompris/trunk gcompris
To read more on Subversion on Gnome go there.
Alternatively you can browse the GCompris code online.
Latest addition: Wednesday 26 November 2008.
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