An publishing chain is a technological and methodological process, a product of document engineering research. The publishing chain approach is to create a document model, to make content creation easier and to automate formatting.
What is the advantage of a publishing chain? To reduce content production and maintenance costs, and to ensure better quality control.
A Scenari publishing chain is a process that allows you to:
- Create documents according to a document model (of a structured design)
- Publish them in different ways (multi-media)
- Adapt them so they can be used in various contexts (multi-use)
- Maintain them easily over time
- Integrate content that is space-based (graphics, tables) and time-based (video, audio) etc.
- Configure it so that it meets the specific requirements of each special professional context
To do this, a publishing chain is based on the separation of storage formats and publishing formats: storage formats describe the structure of the document library and the publishing formats define the document's physical layout, as seen by the user.
The document bank is described as follows:
- its logical structure (paragraph order, large chapters, different parts etc.);
- the meaning given to content (headings, important paragraphs, definitions, comments, examples and so on). etc. ;
- its nature (text, video, sound, diagrams, animations etc.).
The computing syntax used is an open format, that respects the XML standard, easy to read and modify by a developer: the content produced is not dependent on the software used to produce it.

Content creation occurs independently of the final support formatting that you wish to obtain. From the structured document content, the software program will then automatically generate the different multimedia products that are needed in the adapted publishing formats: Web site (HTML), paper document (PDF), presentation (Flash), etc.

Publishing on paper
in one click, the content produced by the author is transformed into an OpenDocument format document. It can be opened and edited in the OpenOffice application suite and can be printed or transformed into a PDF file.
Publishing as a projected slideshow
In one click, the content produced by the author is transformed into a Flash animation that can be projected during s speaker's presentation. Advanced features such as on-demand display of an outline for navigation or complementary items are also available.
Publishing on the Web
In one click, the content produced by the author is transformed into a Web site that respects HTML standards that can then be transferred via FTP to a Web server. The page organization, navigation and formatting can all be configured.
SCENARIdiscovery is a demonstration application that allows you to discover several examples of open source publishing chains from the SCENARI environment.
Would you like to try it out? Download the application by clicking the link below!
This version has been translated into english, however some small parts of the application are still in french. You should still be able to use it even if you dont understand french.
Installation notes for Linux users
SCENARIdiscovery is provided with 2 different installation systems, once it's installed the program is exactly the same:- graphic installer based on autopackage: Download the .package file with this link, in a file manager, right clic on it to give the "executable" permission for all users, then start it up.
- command line installer (recommanded for advanced users or offline installs): Download the .tgz file with this link, and type the following commands :
tar xvfz SCENARIdiscovery-1.0.2_lin_en.tgz
chmod +x install.sh
Showlib, a library of pre-configured components, aimed at creating publishing chains for presentations and communication |
Opale, publishing chain for the editing, management and multimedia publication of academic training documents. |
Simple Slide Show (SSS)
SimpleSlideShow, a publishing chain for creating professional slideshows with audio content. |
WebRadio, a publishing chain for the creation of radio programs on the Web. |
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