The main feature of KSimus is the use of component libraries, the so called component packages. Because this, KSimus is easy to extend with new components or to new areas of application.
What are the specialties of KSimus?
- Additional components can be distribute with separate packages.
- KSimus knows two kinds of notations:
- The Schematic shows all components.
- The User Interface shows only the UI components.
- The connections between the components are routed automatically.
- The UI components can contain and manage QT and KDE widgets.
- KSimus supports user defined modules.
- KSimus has some debug features.
- KSimus is GPL.
What is KSimus not?
- KSimus is not a replacement or a frontend for spice.
With the current version you can create schematics with some boolean and floating point components.
What is projected at the next time?
- Enhancement of the packages of boolean and floating point components.
- Implement further packages, e.g. for string and i/o components.
- Enhancement of the online documentation.
- Some internal changes, e.g. editor.
KSimus seems to be quite stable at my system. But we will see the next bug reports. Due to some planned changes at external and internal interfaces, the current state of KSimus alpha.
Which components are available?
- KSimus (version 0.3.6) contains following components:
- AND, NAND Gate
- Clock Generator
- Button
- Toggle Button
- Boolean External Connectors for input and output (use in modules)
- Components which stop or pause the simulation or close the application
- Package Boolean (version 0.3.6) contains following components:
- OR, NOR, XOR and XNOR Gates
- RS, JK and JK-MS Flip Flop
- D Latches
- Counter
- 7 Segment Display
- True and False Constants
- Multiplexer / Demultiplexer
- Delay
- AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR and XNOR Gates with TriState outputs
- External Connector for Boolean TriState wires (use in modules)
- Converter components (Boolean -> Boolean TriState, Boolean TriState -> Boolean)
- Package DataRecorder (version 0.3.6) contains following components:
- DataRecorder (records Boolean and Floating Pointt signals)
- TextRecorder (logs Boolean and Floating Point signals into a file)
- Package FloatingPoint (version 0.3.6) contains following components:
- Arithmetic components (add, sub, mul, div, mod, abs)
- Trigonometric components (sin, asin, cos, acos, tan, atan, atan2)
- Hyperbolic components (sinh, asinh, cosh, acosh, tanh, atanh)
- Exponential components (log, log10, exp, pow, square root)
- Input components (Slider, Line Edit, Constant)
- Output component (Label)
- Conditional components (compares 2 Floating Point values)
- Waveform generator (sinusoidal, square, sawtooth, triangular, dirac)
- Converter components (Boolean -> Floating Point, Floating Point -> Boolean)
- External Connector Floating Point in/out (use in modules)
- Some miscellaneous components like a MUX, latch, min and max
In order to compile and install KSimus on your system, type the following in the base directory of the KSimus distribution:
% ./configure
% make
% make install
Some Linux distributions requires some parameter for configure. If you are not sure use
% ./configure --prefix=KDEDIR --with-qt-dir=QTDIR
where KDEDIR is the directory where KDE is installed e.g. /opt/kde2 or /usr/local/kde
QTDIR is the directory where QT is installed e.g. /usr/lib/qt2
Since KSimus uses autoconf and automake you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to ksimus@gmx.de.
How to install KSimus packages?
Because of the current delevopment state of KSimus and all packages should have the same version. In most cases mixed versions don't work properly! This is correct at least for all 0.3.x versions.
At first you have to install KSimus successfully, because the packages needs to compile some header files from the KSimus distribution. During installation of KSimus these files are installed in the directory $KDEDIR/includes/ksimus/.
In order to compile and install a KSimus package on your system, type the following in the base directory of the packages distribution:
% ./configure
% make
% make install
The package is installed in the directory $KDEDIR/lib/ksimus/.% make
% make install
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