Emmabuntus, Ubuntu, Derivate, Linux, Open Source BackTrack, Linux, distributions, Ubuntu, derivate, securuty, forensic VirtualBox, Linux, Ubuntu, Raring Ringtail synaptic, Ubuntu, Linux, software packages jwplayer, multimedia, Linux, Ubuntu, flash Meshlab, graphic, software, Ubuntu, open source, Linux Synapse, Linux, Ubuntu, raring, Quantal Gimp, Ubuntu, Linux FreeMind, Linux, open source Linux, infographic, history
Spket IDE  1.6.12 is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development.

Spket IDE 1.6.12 is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development.

Spket IDE is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development. The powerful editor for JavaScript, XUL/XBL and Yahoo...
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The Eric Python IDE: new release

The Eric Python IDE: new release

Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit...
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