Vivia is a video editing program for Linux that offers very user-friendly editing of DV video material.
Vivia is Free Software with a GPL license.
Try your hand at film making with this video editing software.
Vivia allows you to edit videos, cut out important sequences, add effects etc. Vivia can handle both AVI and DV files and has a recovery function that restores you files should the tool crash.
News: - 2007-04-12: Hi all. Just wanted to say I'll have time to work on Vivia again within a week or two. I've greatly missed working on Vivia during all these moving preparations, so see you again soon! :)
- 2007-02-11: I haven't been able work on Viva much in the last couple weeks (as is obvious from the countdown chart below). Most of my free time is currently consumed with organizing a move to another country (hopefully Switzerland) along with finding a new job.
- 2007-01-09: The Window's installer for v0.1.1 has been released. See the Download page for more information.
- 2007-01-06: I haven't had the opportunity to test the Window's installer for v0.1.1 yet, but I should have the chance on Monday or Tuesday next week. There are problems compiling v0.1.1 with a) Qt 4.2 and b) AMD64 Linux system -- if you're using either of those, please wait for v0.1.2 to be released.
- 2006-12-18: The v0.1.1 source tarball has been released. Installer for Windows coming soon.
- 2006-12-09: All tasks finished for v.0.1.1. I'll do some more testing and then make the official release.
- 2006-10-29: v0.1 has been released. It's for PAL DV only! I expect to release v0.1.1 soon with some non-critical fixes.
- 2006-10-02: All tasks finished for v0.1! The official release should come within three weeks, once user testing is done.
- 2006-09-16: Lots of progress during the last two weeks. Only 16 tasks left. Once they're done, I've decided to have someone (besides myself) test it for a couple weeks before making the release official. So I'm now looking at October for v0.1.
- 2006-08-15: There are about 50 tasks left on the To-Do list before the first alpha release. I'll be on vacation for almost three weeks this month, so I'll try to get it released next month.
- 2006-07-13: Added some screenshots
- 2006-06-13: SVN repository imported to SourceForge: http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/vivia/trunk/
The following screenshots offer a brief introduction to how Vivia works. Most of the screenshots are from v0.1.1, but some are older.

On the right side of the screen we see the available media files. (v0.1) |
The Timeline is where you arrange your clips for your movie. You can add a clip to your movie by dragging a file from the Files window onto the Timeline. You can edit a clip directly on the Timeline with the tools that appear when a clip is selected. |
Clip Editing: Here we see the end of a clip being adjusted. Notice the red clip tool on the timeline; that is the currently active tool. In the video area we see the last image of the clip we're editing and the first image of the next clip. |
With the Clip Edit Bar you can select what segment of the media file should be used for the clip. The Clip Edit Bar is located above the Timeline, and is displayed when a clip is selected on the Timeline. |
Clip Editing: here we are using the blue triangular handle at the right end of the clip to adjust the clip's duration. |
The Transition Edit Bar is used to edit the points where two clips meet. It is located above the Timeline, and is displayed via the Clip Edit Bar or by clicking on a transition on the Timeline. |
Cut points: cut points are where one clip ends and the next clip begins without any special transition. Here we see a cut point being edited, and the images show where the clips meet. You can make fine adjustments of the cut point using the "jogger" controls. | Dual View: when editing a transtion, you can select among three different view modes. Here we're viewing the images from both clips A & B at the selected position on the timeline. |
View Ends: use this mode to view the images from both clips at both the start and end of the transition. The images on the top are from clip A ("lights-1"), and on the bottom we see clip B ("sunset-1"). The two images on the left are at the start of the transition, and the two on the right are at the end of the transition. | View Result: use this mode to see the how the transition combines the two clips. Here we see the middle of a "Fade" transition. |
Multicam |
Multicam mode with two clips displayed. (v0.1) | Multicam mode with two clips plus the output displayed. The frame we see is near the end of a cross-fade transition. (v0.1) |
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