It is a list of lists, with the nested list giving you the "name" of the file and the "tmp_name", the location of the temporary file. For instance, to reference the uploaded file from the input tag named "FirstFile" you would use FILES$FirstFile$tmp_name. Here's a code snippet to copy the file to the '/usr/local/uploaded_files' directory: destination <- file.path('/usr/local/uploaded_files',
The latest Apache2 debian packages cause the web server to run in a very reduced environment, thus one is unable to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before calling /etc/init.d/apache2. One option is to actually edit that file and add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitly. Another is to use the apache2ctl scripts which are also bundled with the debian packages. Or you can add it to /etc/ 4.6 sendBin.
Rapache is a simple tool for remotely managing and configuring an apache2 server. If you need a simpler software just to start/stop apache2 and mysql, check localhost-indicator. 3.6.2 Difference in r-handler and r-script. r-handler, r-script, and r-info are valid arguments to Apache's SetHandler directive ("r-info" is already described in section 2.3). Calling SetHandler forces url's to be
Rapache is a simple tool for remotely managing and configuring an apache2 instance without having to hassle around through configuration files. Rapache is a python + GTK tool that allows you to configure apache2 and all of its modules. GPL'd, Its goal is to provide the user with a simple interface to facilitate the work to those who want to set up a web-server in a few clicks. Rapache
5.- rApache Web Application Development with R and Apache: Introduction and Installation (Chapter I).
First presented at DSC2005, rApache is a project supporting web application development using the R statistical language and environment and the Apache web server. The current release runs on UNIX/Linux and Mac OS X operating systems. For some examples of interactive R web applications that use rApache, visit the website of Jeroen Ooms. Download rApache 1.2.5 To follow the latest
6.- SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP.
SquirrelMail is a project that provides both a web-based email client and a proxy server for the IMAP protocol. The webmail portion of the project was started by Nathan and Luke Ehresman in 1999 and is written in PHP. SquirrelMail can be employed in conjunction with a LAMP "stack", and any other operating systems that support PHP are supported as well. The web server needs access to the
7.- DWB is a lightweight web browser based on the webkit web browser engine.
DWB is a lightweight web browser based on the webkit web browser engine and the gtk toolkit. DWB is highly customizable and can be easily configured through a web interface. It intends to be mostly keyboard driven, inspired by firefox's vimperator plugin. Features. vi-like shortcuts Link following via keyboard hints Bookmarks Quickmarks Cookie support,
8.- Quantum Mini is a small web browser designed to be used without any hassle.
Quantum Mini is a small web browser designed to be used without any hassle. QM is regularly updated with new features being added everyday. Quantum Mini Features: Easy Setup, Simple To Use, Combined Search and Address Bar, Regularly Updated, Takes Up Little Desktop Space and Loads More. Available versions Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 13.10 Ubuntu 13.04 Ubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu
9.- Apollon The Ultimate File-Sharing App for Linux.
Apollon is a Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Program written for Linux. Apollon uses the giFT core to connect to various networks, including OpenFT, Gnutella, FastTrack OpenFT is the homegrown giFT network, Gnutella is the network used by BearShare, LimeWire and others and FastTrack is the popular network used by KaZaA. Apollon uses a plugin system which allows you to choose which network
10.- NetSurf is an open source web browser which has its own layout engine.
NetSurf is an open source web browser which has its own layout engine. It is designed to be lightweight and portable, supporting both mainstream systems (e.g. Mac OS X and Unix-like) and older or uncommon platforms (e.g. AmigaOS, Haiku and RISC OS). NetSurf has many typical web browser features, including tabbed browsing, bookmarks and page thumbnailing. The NetSurf project was started in
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