Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry “Track” design competition.
The current stable version of Roundup is 1.5.x which has quite a comprehensive feature set. For more information see the design overview, and all the other documentation. Roundup has been deployed for:
Roundup was originally released as version 0.1.1 in late August, 2001.
roundup-1.5.0.tar.gz (md5, pgp)

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The current stable version of Roundup is 1.5.x which has quite a comprehensive feature set. For more information see the design overview, and all the other documentation. Roundup has been deployed for:
...and so on. It’s been designed with flexibility in mind - it’s not just another bug tracker. Roundup ships with a demo tracker to play with - after you’ve unpacked the source, just run “python” and load up the URL it prints out!
- bug tracking and TODO list management (the classic installation)
- customer help desk support (with a wizard for the phone answerers, linking to networking, system and development issue trackers)
- issue management for IETF working groups
- sales lead tracking
- conference paper submission and double-blind referee management
- weblogging (well, almost :)
Roundup was originally released as version 0.1.1 in late August, 2001.
- issue2550775 Added rel=nofollow to links in the journal linking to attachments to allow the admin to delete attachment spam and prevent search engines from increasing the rankings. (John Rouillard)
- issue2550808 Enhanced the boolean field template function. Now by default the labels generated can be clicked on and select the corresponding radio button. Also can create a trivalued radiobutton (yes/no/unknown) as well as customize the labels for the yes/no/unknown radio buttons. (John Rouillard)
- issue2550807 enhance classhelp method with ability to set html properties on the generated link. (John Rouillard)
- Support for tx_Source property on database handle. Can be used by detectors to find out the source of a change in an auditor to block changes arriving by unauthenticated mechanisms (e.g. plain email where headers can be faked). The property db.tx_Source has the following values:
- None - Default value set to None. May be valid if it's a script that is created by the user. Otherwise it's an error and indicates that some code path is not properly setting the tx_Source property.
- "cli" - this string value is set when using roundup-admin and supplied scripts.
- "web" - this string value is set when using any web based technique: html interface, xmlrpc ....
- "email" - this string value is set when using an unauthenticated email based technique.
- "email-sig-openpgp" - this string value is set when email with a valid pgp signature is used. (NOTE the testing for this mode is incomplete. If you have a pgp infrastructure you should test and verify that this is properly set.) (John Rouillard)
- Introducing Template Loader API (anatoly techtonik)
- Experimental support for Jinja2, try 'jinja2' for template_engine in config (anatoly techtonik)
- A new jinja2 template based on Classic schema and using Twitter bootstrap for responsive behaviour. Run as - python -t jinja2 nuke (Pradip P Caulagi)
- and other scripts can now be run directly from the sources dir as (anatoly techtonik)
- Renamed old Templates classes to Loader classes to clarify sources for alternative templating engines, updated docs (anatoly techtonik)
- Template selection code is moved from Loader classes into cgi.client limiting the responsibility of Loaders to compilation and rendering. Internally, templating.find_template is replaced with client.selectTemplate (anatoly techtonik)
- Increased generated password length to 12 symbols to slow down GPGPU attacks (anatoly techtonik)
- Implement XMLRPC MultiCall (including test), see (Ralf Schlatterbeck)
roundup-1.5.0.tar.gz (md5, pgp)
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