Here are some key features of "alterMIME":
· Insert disclaimers
· Insert arbitary X-headers
· Modify existing headers
· Remove attachments based on filename or content-type
· Replace attachments based on filename
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· Outlook QP encoding has been fixed.
· Various compilation warnings have been cleaned up.
· Deeper searching for text bodies has been enabled.
· A small memory leak has been fixed.

30 October, 2008 - Released v0.3.9 various cleanups, and hopefully the Outlook Quote-Printable corruption issue fixed.
September 26, 2008 - alterMIME Pro announced. At the suggestion of several exiting alterMIME users, we (PLDaniels) have developed a commercial variant of alterMIME, alterMIME Pro which bundles together alterMIME, easy installer, web based administration and many useful features that normally have to be hand-crafted outside of alterMIME. alterMIME Pro can also replace an existing standard alterMIME installation with ease.
September 6, 2008 - 0.3 dev update. Extended depth disclaimer insertion fixed, allowing emails with deeply structured MIME to still successfully have disclaimers inserted.
February 14, 2006 - 0.3 dev update A long standing issue with disclaimers not being inserted in some emails with attachments has been fixed. We're looking for some people to test on their own local systems to confirm our findings. The release to use is the 0.3-dev alterMIME release.
29 March, 2006 - Released v0.3.7 Fixed up disclaimer insertion into quoted-printable bodies. Corrected BASE64 body truncation.
27 March, 2005 - Released v0.3.6 Numerous fixes, including removeall and disclaimer insertion facilities. Also fixed up a segfault situation.
18 September, 2004 - Released v0.3.5. Numerous improvements, mostly from the rewritten header parsing code obtained from the Xamime and ripMIME projects.
10 March, 2004 - Released v0.3.4. Fixes a situations where the headers with ISO encoded portions would be clobbered when adding a disclaimer. This was due to alterMIME saving the 'decoded' headers, rather than original headers from the mailpack.
14-Nov-2003 - Released v0.3.3. Fixes some minor segfaults and corrects various other issues. See CHANGELOG for more details.
02-May-2003 - Released v0.3-dev. This development version sports an entirely new header decoding engine, as derived from the ripMIME project. Extensive testing has been done with 0.3-dev, its reliability and consistancy already far outperforms the prior 0.2.x series of alterMIME. This release is recommended to anyone who is experiencing issues with the 0.2.x series, particularly with disclaimer insertion and file nullification/replacement.
- 25-April-2003 - Released v0.2.2, this should be the last 'feature' update for the 0.2 series. The new series, 0.3.x will involve a lot of code-reworking as the old 'hunt-and-peck' header decoding routines are replaced with a more intelligent parsing system as derived from the ripMIME program.
- 16-March-2003 - Released v0.2.1, many internal code changes and more modularisation across the entire codebase. Replaced existing XAM_strtok/strlower/zstr modules with a singular pldstr module.
- 12/11/2002 - Cleaned up disclaimer insertions [ preventing insertion into files ]. Corrected BASE64 clobbering through new FFGET module.
- 12/05/2002 - Cleaned up disclaimer insertion routines.
- 26/04/2002 - Updated x-header insertion to prevent occasional segfault, also corrected line-gobbling problem on the headers. Improved the disclaimer-insertion detection routines, to try harder to place the right type of disclaimer in the right place. Updated the FFGET module again.
- 19/04/2002 - Replaced FFGET module (from Xamime project) which corrects several issues where ends-of-files were not being written
- 23/10/2001 - Patched to make disclaimer insertion work for AOL created HTML emails (which lack BODY tags!). Removed need for external strlower object (makes for a smaller binary).
- 22/10/2001 - Corrected error in boundary line termination when quotation was present - HIGHLY ADVISED UPDATE.
- 21/10/2001 - Implemented new technique for determining location to place disclaimers after finding that numerous email clients produce nested MIME structures even for new emails. Added new flag "--altersigned" which will force alterMIME to add a disclaimer even to a signed email. Added new flag "--removeall" which will cause alterMIME to nullify all attachments which have filenames associated with them.
- 09/08/2001 - Fixed up the completeness of the attachment-replace facility, allowing a single pass for replacement and still getting all the headers correctly changes. Removed spurilous messages which were part of debugging and not verbosity!
- 03/08/2001 - Sig11/segfault errors associated with disclaimer corrected.
- 21/07/2001 - Corrected error with non-multipart emails not getting disclaimers
- 01/07/2001 - X-header insertion option added, attachment "replace" added
- 05/06/2001 - A month with a silly Makefile mistake! sheesh, where are the fixes :)
- 05/05/2001 - Put a makefile into the package.
- 02/05/2001 - Initial release of alterMIME.
- Development Releases
- altermime-0.3-dev.tar.gz
- altermime-0.2-dev.tar.gz
- Stable Releases (0.3.x series)
- October 30, 2008 - altermime-0.3.9.tar.gz
- July 13, 2007 - altermime-0.3.8.tar.gz
- March 29, 2006 - altermime-0.3.7.tar.gz
- March 27, 2005 - altermime-0.3.6.tar.gz
- September 18, 2004 - altermime-0.3.5.tar.gz
- March 10, 2004 - altermime-0.3.4.tar.gz
- 14/11/2003 - altermime-0.3.3.tar.gz
- 04/05/2003 - altermime-0.3.1.tar.gz
- Stable 0.2.x series
- 25/04/2002 - altermime-0.2.2.tar.gz
- 16/03/2003 - altermime-0.2.1.tar.gz
- 12/11/2002 - altermime-0.1.14.tar.gz
- 12/05/2002 - altermime-0.1.13.tar.gz
- 26/04/2002 - altermime-0.1.12.tar.gz
- 19/04/2002 - altermime-0.1.11.tar.gz
- 23/10/2001 - altermime-0.1.10.tar.gz
- 22/10/2001 - altermime-0.1.9.tar.gz
- 21/10/2001 - altermime-0.1.8.tar.gz
- 09/08/2001 - altermime-0.1.7.tar.gz
- 03/08/2001 - altermime-0.1.6.tar.gz
- 21/07/2001 - altermime-0.1.5.tar.gz
- 01/07/2001 - altermime-0.1.4.tar.gz
- 05/06/2001 - altermime-0.1.3.tar.gz
- 05/05/2001 - altermime-0.1.2.tar.gz
- 02/05/2001 - altermime-0.1.1.tar.gz
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