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Griffith is a film collection manager application

Griffith is a film collection manager application. Adding items to the movie collection is as quick and easy as typing the film title and selecting a supported source. Griffith will then try to fetch all the related information from the Websites related to movies, like IMDB.

Griffith is known to run on GNU Linux and Microsoft Windows systems. Probably, it will run on other POSIX compatible operating systems where a gtk+ environment is available, including FreeBSD, MacOS X, OpenBSD and Solaris.

Software features of "Griffith":
· Fetch film information from the web using a plugin system
· Automatic numbering
· Backup/restore functions
· Exports listings to PDF and CSV files
· Generates a PDF with film's cover
· Clone film information
· Loans management
· View filtering
· Multilanguage support
· Much more

· Python 2.3 or later
· PyGTK 2.6.1 or later (including Glade)
· pysqlite2 2.0 or later
· SQLAlchemy 0.3.10 or later
· ReportLab 1.19 or later
· Python Imaging Library (PIL)

Features include:

* Fetches film information from the Internet based on your locale via a plug-in:
o Brazilian Portuguese: E-Pipoca
o Czech: CSFD
o English: IMDb, DVD Empire, AnimeDB, Moviefone, Mediadis
o French: Allocine, Cinemovies
o German: FilmeVonA-Z.de, Kino.de, OFDb
o Italian: Cinematografo
o Polish: Wirtualna Polska, FDb, Tanuki-Anime, Onet, Filmweb, Stopklatka
o Portuguese: 7arte, PTGate, Clube MyDVD
* Integrates well with a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 used by default) to keep tabs on your library
* Can backup/restore your database
* Exports to CSV, PDF, XML and HTML files
* Imports from CSV files
* Generates PDF from cover art
* Keeps track of your films that are out on loan
* Enables you to sort/filter your library
* Has built-in multi-language support
L'immagine “http://www.motoreshopping.it/prometeo/728x90.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

· pysqlite legacy 1.0 - it is required for Griffith


UNIX systems
Installing on some Linux distributions
Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu

Griffith is available in official repositories, all you have to do is execute:

# aptitude install griffith

Arch Linux

Download PKGBUILD file from here and follow this guide
Gentoo Linux

# emerge -a griffith

Installing from FreeBSD ports

# cd /usr/ports/deskutils/griffith/ && make install clean
# pkg_add -r griffith

Installing from source

Unpack the Griffith tarball using these commands:

$ tar -zxf griffith-.tar.gz

Switch to the newly created directory and type as root:

# make install

The Makefile will copy the files to the correct location in your system. You do not need to configure or compile Griffith as it is written in interpreted Python code. You can test Griffith without installing it:

$ cd griffith-version
$ ./griffith --home /tmp/griffith

Installing from downloaded package

If you have downloaded Griffith package, just do as root:

* deb packages (Debian, Ubuntu, ...)

# dpkg -i griffith__all.deb

* rpm packages (Redhat, Fedora, Mandrake, ...)

# rpm -Uvh griffith_.rpm

L'immagine “http://img.etoiledirect.com/it/sky8_728x90.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.
Making Debian package

If you want to make your own Debian package, follow these steps:

* change your working directory to griffith source
* edit debian/changelog file, f.e. like this:


* type `debuild` or `dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot` to build package
* install new package (`dpkg -i ../griffith__all.deb`)

Microsoft Windows systems

Installing using the installer

Just run the griffith installer available for your system. A separated GTK+ Runtime Environment for Win32 is NOT necessary. For now, Griffith is known to work as expected under Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista but should work on other windows flavours too.

Compiling and making a custom installer

This was tested with Griffith 0.9.5. Should work with later versions. You will need the following packages installed on your system.

* Python - python 2.5.1
* GTK development environment - gtk-dev-2.10.11-win32-1
* PyGTK - pygtk-2.10.4-1.win32-py2.5
* Glade 3 - glade-3-0-2-win32-1
* PyCairo - pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.5
* PyGObject - pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.5
* ReportLab - ReportLab_2_1
* winshell - winshell-0.2
* PIL - PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.5
* py2exe - py2exe-0.6.6.win32-py2.5
* Python For Windows Extensions (pywin32) - pywin32-210.win32-py2.5
* SQLAlchemy - SQLAlchemy-0.3.10
* PyXML - PyXML-0.8.4
* psycopg2 - psycopg2-2.0.6.win32-py2.5
* MySQLPython - MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.5
* Python-chardet - chardet-1.0
* Python SQLite - pysqlite-2.3.5.win32-py2.5
* Inno Setup - isetup-5.1.14

* After installing all the above packages, get griffith from SVN or download the latest source tarball from the official site

* Put the whole Griffith tree under c:\griffith
* Open a command prompt window and type:

cd c:\griffith

* When the process is finished, locate c:\griffith\winpackage.iss file using the explorer, right click it and choose 'compile'. This will create a single file installer using Inno Setup application.
* You can find the final installer in c:\griffith\installer

Apple MacOSX

Installing from source

These setup guides were tested on MacOSX 10.4.x (both intel and powerpc based systems), using a Python 2.4.3 framework. If you have a prior python version, please make sure to grab a 2.4 universal binary version from

* Download and install DarwinPorts from
* Open a terminal window and syncronize DarwinPorts' port tree with

sudo port -d selfupdate

* Then we need to install XCode that will provide us somes required tools, like a compiler :)

You can find it on your original MacOSX disk or download it from Be aware that this is a very big download - almost 1 Gb. Pick version 2.4 or later.

* Type

sudo port install py-gtk2

this will install all the dependencies needed to pygtk and will take a while to complete

* Install Reportlab by typing

sudo port install py-reportlab

* Next grab the following packages from and install all of them using the included installers:


* If you want MySQL support download

L'immagine “http://hst.tradedoubler.com/file/77661/728X90.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

* Install python-sqlite2 by typing
* Then you will need to install at least version 0.3.1 of py-sqlalchemy from [28] because Darwin ports doesn't provide a recent version of this library. So, download it, untar it and from the inside of the package directory type:

sudo python setup.py install

Probably you will need to upgrade setuptools to 0.6c3 version as well during this process.

* Last but not least, you will need a X11 server because GTK is not native yet on the MacOSX. Use the Apple's X11 server because it will be much easier to configure. If not already installed you can find it on your MacOSX install DVD.
* To run Griffith just type

open-x11 griffith

on terminal to see if all is working as expected.

Changing gtk2 theme

pygtk uses the gtk2 default theme which is not very macosx-like. You can install a custom gtk2 theme. For example, download an aqua theme from [29]. Create gtk2 themes directory:

cd ~
mkdir .themes

and place the aqua theme on this new directory.

* Next, lets install a gtk theme manager that will make theme selection a breeze:

sudo port install gtk-chtheme

* Now, run it with

open-x11 gtk-chtheme


L'immagine “http://img.mediastay.com/m/kingoloto/it/CONCORSO/728x90_kingolotto.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

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About Hugo

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that offers an operating system predominantly focused on desktop computers but also provides support for servers. Based on Debian GNU / Linux, Ubuntu focuses on ease of use, freedom in usage restriction, regular releases (every 6 months) and ease of installation.
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