Album is a perl script which is either run from a command-line or else through our new GUI/graphical interface which we've just released for Windows support! It works on UNIX/Linux, Windows, and Macintosh OSX.
- New GUI front end and Windows support!
- You can use themes to choose or redesign the album "look and feel."
- Recursively descends directories to make a hierarchy of photo albums
- EXIF support, Video thumbnails...
- Language (i18n) support! Album messages and HTML output can be in a different language. Many languages already exist, and many are being added. Create albums in Deutsch, Hebrew, Italiano, Dutch, Polski, Chinese and more!
- Has a plugin system that allows you to write perl code to alter the behavior of album. You can add any features you like!
- Slideshows, transparent overlays, credit tags, easy captions, and endless features!
- So very easy to use!
Themes & Screenshots:
AlfredsWorld Download: dir tar zip Inspired by 'DropPurple'. Utilizing transparent thumbnail borders and overlays. Frank Brehm | Baby Download: dir tar zip Baby pictures theme JBoismartel, based off SimmerTheme | BigMaste Download: dir tar zip For big images, very little dressing or spacing Ed Maste and Dave | Binder Download: dir tar zip Binder photo album David Freeman |
BitchFlora Download: dir tar zip Inspired by.. *ahem* David Simmer | BitchMartha Download: dir tar zip Inspired by.. *ahem* David Simmer | Black3 Download: dir tar zip Simple black theme with HTML borders and image at top of page. Alan Clifford | Blue Download: dir tar zip Blue is my favorite color :) David Simmer |
Column Download: dir tar zip Just a straight column of thumbnails Dave Madison | Craftsman Download: dir tar zip Craftsman rocks! David Ljung Madison | cthumb Download: dir tar zip Redone graphics based on cthumb by Carlos Puchol, who I was surprised to find out is a co-worker of mine! David Simmer | Default Default album output |
dkl Download: dir tar zip The first theme ever! DKL | Dominatrix6 Download: dir tar zip Crack that whip! David Simmer | DropFloat Download: dir tar zip Dropfloat theme version 0.3. Thumbnails are floating buttons. Has problems with different aspect ratios and long captions. (see plugin 'hide_shorten') Helmar Wieland | DropPurple Download: dir tar zip Dynamic Dropshadows using CSS/XHTML. Comes with icons for other colors: grey, sage, violet, white, beige + gimp files to create more. Kurt Edelmann, based on Floating by Helmar Wieland (helmar nefkom.net) and SlidesCSS by Pat Carr (pato NOSPAMpatocarr.com) |
DropShadow Download: dir tar zip Simple drop shadow Marginal Hacks | Eddie Bauer Download: dir tar zip Inspired by Eddie Bauer outdoor style David Simmer | Film Download: dir tar zip Do you wanna be in pictures? Dave Madison | FilmFrames Download: dir tar zip Film Frame example. Frames with configurable slide show. Frank Celler, based on Frames theme by Dave Madison |
Floating Download: dir tar zip Floating thumbnails (no tables), using CSS/XHTML Helmar Wieland (helmar nefkom.net) | Frames Download: dir tar zip Frame example - a little kludgy because the theme has to write multiple HTML files Dave Madison, cleanup by Frank Celler | FunLand Download: dir tar zip Super happy funland! Utilizing transparent thumbnail borders. David Simmer | IconZoom Download: dir tar zip Javascript-based dynamic resizing of thumbnails, handy if you have lots of images on the one page. Can replace 8-piece borders easily, currently uses BitchFlora borders. George Hansper <> |
IFI Emboss Download: dir tar zip Emboss Theme Zolt�n Iv�nfi - GPL, see "LICENSE" | Ivy Download: dir tar zip Ivy theme Steve Richardson | J Peterman Download: dir tar zip J. Peterman, good stuff, good design. David Simmer | javascript dkl Download: dir tar zip Javascript theme - all photos need to be the same size DKL |
KDE Style Download: dir tar zip A simple theme based on Konqueror's (KDE's file manager) default theme. Respects the -columns setting. Handles well the -no_crop option and html or media files in albums. Lucian Precup | Laxative Download: dir tar zip Pepto Bismol? Dave has some weird ideas. David Simmer | Maste Download: dir tar zip Nice and clean, simple theme Ed Maste | Minimalist Download: dir tar zip Minimalistic theme. Based on "Slide". Requires CSS. Removed all the 'font' tags (c) January Weiner |
NewFloat Download: dir tar zip NewFloat - thumbnails are floating buttons (CSS) (c)2003 Helmar Wieland - License >=GPLv2 | No Crop Download: dir tar zip A simple theme that handles the -no_crop option really well (though the example album is cropped..) Chris Meyer | OldPhoto Download: dir tar zip Old Photo overlay example, makes the photos look tattered, scratched and faded. Dave Madison with help from Dave Simmer | Orange Download: dir tar zip Spacy variation on Blue Christopher L. |
Paperbook Download: dir tar zip Old-fashioned paper and fancy corners; thumbnail and image borders different. Laura Baldwin | PopUp Download: dir tar zip PopUp: Popsup an image window, click to close David Ljung Madison | simple Download: dir tar zip Simple example. Like the default (non-theme) output with small changes, such as image thumbs for prev/next. Dave Madison | simple2 Download: dir tar zip Simple example 2, based on the simple theme by Dave Madison but with more condensed image pages. Thomas Lundqvist |
simple-Czech Download: dir tar zip Simple theme written in Czech (you can also do: "album -lang cs -theme simple ...") Vaclav Dvorak | Slides Download: dir tar zip Simple photo slide border, graphics based on cthumb David Madison | SlidesCSS Download: dir tar zip Slides using CSS/XHTML Pat Carr (pato NOSPAMpatocarr.com), based on Floating by Helmar Wieland (helmar nefkom.net) | Stamp Download: dir tar zip Return to sender David Simmer |
Stars Download: dir tar zip Another simmer_theme with star graphics brett schultz | Story Download: dir tar zip Story form - text from file "Story.html" or "Text.html" between two columns of thumbs. Based off Maste by DaveSource. Dave Madison | StoryCaption Download: dir tar zip Like Story theme, but interlaces image captions between two images. Dave Madison | Thocar Download: dir tar zip CSS2 theme with floating navigation (uses PNG) Thomas Carri� |
Uptight Download: dir tar zip Very plain by default, but output is HTML 4.01 and can be customized with stylesheets. A theme for pedantic people :) Mary Gardiner | W Peterman Download: dir tar zip Wavy J. Peterman. Like the J. Peterman theme with waves around the thumbnails. Doesn't stretch well for odd thumbnail sizes. David Simmer | X-Files Download: dir tar zip The truth is out there (and here are some pictures of it) David Simmer | Zeitoun Download: dir tar zip A lightweight theme with floating thumbnails. This theme uses a valid XHTML structure with easy configurable CSS files. St�phane GULLY |
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