TiMidity++ is an open source MIDI to WAVE converter and player.
It uses Gravis Ultrasound-compatible patch files and/or SoundFont Banks to generate digital audio data from general MIDI files.
The audio data can be played through any sound device or stored on disk.
On a fast machine, music can be played in real time. TiMidity++ is written in C and runs under Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, MacOSX, and Win32, and porting to other systems with gcc should be easy.
The original version of this program was written by Tuukka Toivonen <tt@cgs.fi> (he discontinued development because he was too busy with work). Since then, Masanao Izumo and others have begun to improve it, and now TiMidity++ has officially been released.
Things distributed here are experimental versions of TiMidity++, that may not be stable, but have much enhanced functions.
Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/timidity/ TiMidity++-2.13.2.tar.bz2
T2 source: timidity++.conf
T2 source: timidity++.desc
T2 source: timidity++.cache
Build time (on reference hardware): 40% (relative to binutils)2
Installed size (on reference hardware): 0.94 MB, 19 files
Dependencies (build time detected): alsa-lib bash binutils bzip2 cf coreutils diffutils emacsexpat findutils fontconfig freetype gcc glibc grep imake lesstif libelf libice libsm libx11 libxaulibxdmcp libxext libxft libxmu libxp libxpm libxrender libxt linux-header make mktempnet-tools sed sysfiles tar util-linux xaw3d xextproto xproto zlib
1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.
2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).
TiMidity++ interfaces
XAW interface, can be invoked from timidity -ia, is a popular interface uses X Athena Widgets. If you have libXaw3d installed, TiMidity++ would use it instead.
♪ customize
As you know, you can customize the look and feel of any xaw applcations by writing .xdefaults. The default setting is in the TiMidity++ source tarballs.
Here's another example of XAW interface, by Chisato Yamauchi. This is a good example of customized look and feels.
GTK+ interface
VT100 interface
Emacs interface
Motif interface
timidity -im or "xmmidi" invokes Motif interface, which is available for people bought Motif. But, hey, you can use lesstif instead.
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