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Pfstools is a set of command line programs for reading, writing and manipulating high-dynamic range images and video frames

pfsview_screenshot_sm pfstools package is a set of command line programs for reading, writing and manipulating high-dynamic range (HDR) images and video frames. It includes also Qt and OpenGL HDR image viewers. pfstools can be integrated with GNU Octave or matlab, so that it can serve as a toolbox for reading and writing HDR images.

All programs in the package exchange image data using unix pipes and a simple generic HDR image format - pfs. pfs in not just another format for storing HDR images (and there are already quite a few of them), but is rather an attempt to integrate the existing HDR image formats by providing a simple interface for exchanging data between applications.

pfstools is a base set of tools and more advanced functionality can be found in related packages, such as pfstmo (tone-mapping) or pfscalibration (recovery of camera response curve and merging multi-exposure LDR image). If you are not comfortable with a command line interface or you want to save yourself compilation problems, you may want to check Qtpfsgui, which packages some functionality of pfstmo and pfscalibration in a nice GUI interface.

Stable version: pfstools 1.8.1




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Quick-start guide and some interesting things you can do with pfstools.


View all HDR images (Radiance format) in a directory:

pfsv *.hdr

Convert all HDR files to the OpenEXR format:

for img in *.hdr; do pfsin ${img} | pfsout ${img%%.hdr}.exr; done

View all OpenEXR images, resize if larger than 512x512:

pfsin *.exr | pfssize --maxx 512 --maxy 512 | pfsview

View every 10th frame of the video sequence 0000.exr, 0001.exr, ...:

pfsin %04d.exr --frames 0:10:

View every 10th frame of the video sequence 0000.exr, 0001.exr, ...:

pfsin %04d.exr --frames 0:10:

Convert LDR image to the linear luminance values shown on a display with a gamma 2.6 and the peak luminance 200 cd/m^2:

pfsin img/tab_pfstools.png | pfsdisplayfunction --to-luminance -d g=2.6:l=200 | pfsview

See manual pages for more information on pfstools commands.


Read color image into a (height x width x 3) matrix (pfstools >=1.8):

img = pfs_read_image( 'memorial.hdr' );

Read color image into a (height x width x 3) matrix (pfstools <=1.7):

img = pfs_read_rgb( 'memorial.hdr' );

View matrix using pfsview:

pfsview( img );

Save matrix as a luminance image:

pfs_write_luminance( 'new_image.exr', L );


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Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that offers an operating system predominantly focused on desktop computers but also provides support for servers. Based on Debian GNU / Linux, Ubuntu focuses on ease of use, freedom in usage restriction, regular releases (every 6 months) and ease of installation.
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