Effects include compressor, expander, noise gate, graphic equalizer, parametric equalizer, exciter, shuffle, convolotron, valve, flanger, dual flange, chorus, musicaldelay, arpie, echo with reverse playback, musical delay, reverb, digital phaser, analogic phaser, synthfilter, varyband, ring, wah-wah, alien-wah, mutromojo, harmonizer, looper and four flexible distortion modules including sub-octave modulation and dirty octave up. Most of the effects engine is built from modules found in the excellent software synthesizer ZynAddSubFX.
Presets and user interface are optimized for guitar, but Rakarrack processes signals in stereo while it does not apply internal band-limiting filtering, and thus is well suited to all musical instruments and vocals.
Rakarrack is designed for Linux distributions with Jack Audio Connection Kit.
Some demos made by our collaborators and the Rakarrack Team:
Carlos Pino:rak-128
Carlos Pino:viajes
Ryan Billing with Stompbox models, Reverbtron, Echoverse and Looper 1 2
Ryan Billing Cut a bunch of sections along the development of a jam with Looper, Reverbtron, Convolotron, Stompbox, Dual Flange, Analog Phaser, Sustainer and Expander 1
Ryan Billing:unprocessed with Distortion, Reverb and Cabinet: rakarrack
Ryan Billing:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
djshaji:The Sound of Evolution
Check our blog for view and comment the news about Rakarrack, fixed bugs, improvements added in the CVS version etc.
You can download the source tarball from sourceforge
If you are interested in check future version 0.6.x:
git clone git://rakarrack.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/rakarrack/rakarrack
then run:
sudo make install
Version 0.4.x with posible bug fixes will still in the CVS
You can also download & compile from CVS repositories. Here are the detailed instructions:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@rakarrack.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rakarrack login
when the prompt ask for password ... just press enter
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@rakarrack.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rakarrack co -P rakarrack2
then run:
sudo make install

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