FIL (Film Imitation Lab) is a powerful script for old photo simulation. FIL has a modular architecture and can use binary extension (plugins).
Current version: v1.7.2 (June 17th 2012).
- Old color simulation by using prepaered color processes
- Film grain
- Vignette simulation
- Defect lenses simulation
- Option indication
- Batch script execution
- Binary extensions (plugins) integration support.
Changes in FIL v1.7.2:
- New color process "SOV2".
- Pre-process for monocle soft-focus imitation.
- GIMP 2.8 native version.
Documentation available! Enjoy!
Also there is available FIL development documentation with detail description of FIL core.
FIL is still supporting.
P.S. Some FIL process bases on:
Thank them a lot.
Current english version (scm) 59.94 KB
Current english documentation (zip/html) 4.09 MB
Current russian version (scm) 61.71 KB
Current russian documentation (zip/html) 4.11 MB
Current english development documentation (zip/html) 127.42 KB
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