You can download Tucnak from . HF support is limited because I'm not QRV here. Feedback is welcome.
Tucnak is the natural successor to TACLog.
Tucnak has been developed to execute on "Linux" and other UNIX-like operating systems.
Tucnak provides all the features of TACLog but runs on modern machines/laptops using non-specific hardware and integrated sound cards. In addition, there is new functionality that supports modern multiplier schemes, networked multi-band operation and HF!
The Windows® version has some restrictions in functionality compared to the native version. These days, Linux is not at all difficult to deploy and as Tucnak has been developed on a Debian® Linux platform, I recommend the Ubuntu® Linux 'Desktop' distribution as a painless base for a fully-featured implementation of the most innovative Contest Logger since TACLog.
Tucnak stable..
Tucnak v3 is declared as stable. OK2M team used it in latest contests without signitificant problems.
Tucnak v3 requires the libzia library of same version. Libzia contains architecture-dependent code and code usable also in other projects. Currently only released application is Tucnak3.
Tucnak3 sources.
Debian packages..
NOTE: You can use my debian package repository, add
deb binary-i386/
deb-src source/
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb binary-i386/
deb-src source/
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
The Control of program was took from program Taclog.
The support of most EU contests. It's possible to have open more contest logs than one in one time.
The export of contest logs to EDI and some other formats
The export to ADIF and HTML formats.
It is possible to work with the most kinds of terminals or under X11 using SDL library
It is possible to work remotelly by using ssh or telnet (as putty).
Easy operation.
Easy instalation - only one binary is sufficient for base usage.
You can control your rig (SSB PTT and CW). Is also possible to send SSB and CW CQ or transmit CW directly by typing from keyboard.
Single items (Callsign, WWL, report, etc.) are automatically identified and inserted.
The searching of typed-in string (Callsign, WWL) in actual log, in logs from other bands and in the C_W database of couple Callsign/WWL. It runs on background.
Is possible to write remark for a QSO directly from input line or to set QSL card flag.
The Wizard for creating a new contest. It automatically sets parameters of a selected contest
You can work on more bands on several computers. Then you have information about QSOs from all bands on all computers. You can open log from one band on several computers (used for the second operating station)
Is possible to run more than one process of Tucnak on one computer (server).
The support of many languages if somebody translates it from English or Czech :). Currently English, Czech, Slovak, German and Portuguese.
All the written items of QSO (or part of QSO) are written also to the swap file. If your computer crashes you can read QSO data from this swap file with simple ASCII editor, e.g. Vim.
The Automatic saving data to disk and diskette.
Record of contest to WAV files by a few possible codings (PCM, ADPCM, x-law, GSM coding).
Record volume monitoring.
Unrecognized input strings are not deleted but they are displayed.
The saving incomplete QSO and the marking of it.
The Database of couple Callsign, World Wide Locator and QRV bands
The Database of DXCC, valid locators for DXCC, locators with high activity from DXCC or middle locators of DXCC. It uses files cty.dat from K1EA and tucnakdw.
The cross control couple callsign - locator.
Import of VHF database by DL8EBW
The basic statistics - number of worked DXCC and WWL
There is a color world map with worked QSO in graphic mode.
The executing shell in one of tucnak window. You can simple connect it to packet radio by programs for example node, call or telnet.
Connecting to very popular ON4KST chat with call and "session" highlighting.
The talking with other running Tucnaks similary as in WW-Convers (talk window).
The sending of skeds to other (higher) bands.
The DX spot handling from shell windows and putting it to the bandmap
Loading configuration and C_W database over the net.
Spying of other operator's inputline and working QSO
Antenna rotators control
Tucnak is a free software distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Packages for Debian and Debian-like Linux distributions
The primary URL for tucnak downloading is .
Download first source code or binary packages of Tucnak. There are maybe binary packages for your distribution but it can be out of date.
Tucnak requires glib 2 library. It's probably part of your distribution. If you want to compile Tucnak from source code you must have installed development version of glib library too (devel package - libglib2.0-dev*.deb (Debian), glib-devel*.rpm (RedHat), libglib2.0*.rpm (Mandrake)). The library you can download from (not :-)
Since 2.0 it's mandatory to have installed SDL library (if you can compile it from source code you must have install devel packages too - libsdl1.2-dev*.deb (Debian), SDL-devel-1.2*.rpm (RedHat), libSDL1.2-devel*.rpm (Mandrake).
Installation from source code.
Installation from source code is universal way to install program. There must be installed developments tools for C language on your PC.
tar xzf tucnak2-2.07.tar.gz
cd tucnak2-2.07
make install
cd tucnak2-2.07
make install
Program is normally installed into directory /usr/local/bin. Maybe you will need to add path to Tucnak binary. You can add line export HOME=/usr/local/bin:$HOME to end of file /etc/rc.local in bash shell and then restart rc.local (or restart system).
Configuration files are allways saved in ~/tucnak directory.
Install on Debian.
Simplest way is to add lines.
deb binary-i386/
deb-src source/
deb-src source/
to your /etc/apt/sources.list . After it use
apt-get update
apt-get install tucnak3
apt-get install tucnak3
Download manually and install..
Download packages libzia3-3.09*_i386.deb and tucnak3-3.09*_i386.deb. Install they by command:
dpkg --install libzia3-3.09*_i386.deb tucnak3-3.09*_i386.deb
Download sources and create package.
If binary package doesn't present, create them by extracting source code by commnad:
make deb
make deb
Install on Ubuntu.
Debian packages can either be installed from the sources (same as Debian section above). Alternatively, they can be installed with gdebi. You may need to install gdebi from the Ubuntu Software Centre. Download the latest deb-file from Use tucnak2-*_i386.deb for a 32-bit system, tucnak2-*_amd64.deb for a 64-bit system.
Start gdebi, e. g. by command:
Open the file tucnak2-*.deb. Ignore the recommendation to install an older version from a software channel. Then click on "Install Package".

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