System Requirements:
The SDL and SDL_mixer libraries. The game will compile and run on Linux, Windows, MacOS X and the BeOS.Running Abe
You can run it by typing ./abe or abe.exe on Windows.
To run in windowed mode, do: ./abe --window ./abe -? will give you the less often used features.
Keyboard controls:Game:
arrow keys - move
space - jump
enter - use a balloon
esc - quit
r - repaint screen
b - take a screenshot
(when Game.h::GOD_MODE is set)
g - toggle god mode
(set Game.h::GOD_MODE=1)
arrow keys - move
move around by pages:
enter - put down tile
1,2,3 - select layer
del,backspace - clear tile
5,6,7 - cycle thru tiles
L - load map
S - save map
I - icon selector
esc - quit
rectangle selections:
(q - upper left, w - lower right)
q,w - to make a ladder
q,e - to fill a rectangle
Mouse control in editor:
left click - put down tile
middle click - clear tile
right click - icon selector
Building the Source
To compile on linux get the source, untar it and:
makeYou can also cross-compile to windows by:
For more info on cross-compilation, look here.
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